Our Team Dedicated experts with a proven record of success. Specialities:AllOfficeIndustrialRetailInvestment SalesMixed UseProperty ManagementMarketing Featured Peter Fennelly SIOR, MCR, SLCRPresident Hagood Morrison SIOR, MBA, CRE®Executive Vice President Simons Johnson SIOR, MCR, CCIMExecutive Vice President Mark Mattison SIOR, CCIMExecutive Vice President Seth Clark Executive Vice President Crystal Dickerson SHRM-CPVice President of Operations Daniel Pellegrino Executive Vice President Hagood Morrison, II SIORExecutive Vice President Tanya Suporn Property Manager John Beam SIORSenior Vice President Will Crowell SIORVice President Brooks Courtney SIORVice President Colby Farmer Associate Vice President Alex Shields Associate Vice President Will Harker Senior Associate Micheal Kelly Associate Ned Spratt Associate Kennedy Jordan Marketing Specialist McKenzie Deutsch Senior Associate Sophie Cumbie Assistant Property Manager Carl Barnard Associate Kacky Teston Marketing Specialist Hunter Dunagan Associate Matt Johnson Associate Morgan Reifsteck Property Management Assistant Graham Meisel Associate